No. Public Health. Biodiversity is an integral part of culture and identity. We’re talking about ecosystem services, such as climate regulation, air and water purification, and the generation of oxygen and moisture. i need some help, thanks. Increases lifespan. Soon, people in the area were infected with the virus as the deer mice spread into their homes and buildings. According to the theory of island biogeography, which island would have the LOWEST species richness? answer choices ... Q. Among other factors, the diversity of all living things depends on temperature, precipitation, altitude, soils, geography and the presence of other species.The study of the spatial distribution of organisms, species and ecosystems, is the science of biogeography. Birds and fruit bats eat the fruit and nuts from plants, then disperse the seeds inside through their fecal matter. Each answer choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all. habitat preservation. Biodiversity loss, also called loss of biodiversity, a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole. Which of the following is NOT part of overall biodiversity? answer choices . 1. a) Stronger Bones b) Healthy Heart c) Better Sleep d) Risk of injury See answer DefaSkelly1ancon is waiting for your help. decomposition The biodiversity within ecosystems contributes to geochemical cycling, such as the water, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. Biodiversity provides additional resources that raise the carrying capacity of an ecosystem. All of the following are potential benefits of brand extension except Answer: eliminating competition. How does extirpation differ from extinction? Paint in toys is an important potential source of lead exposure. Living in the lowland tropics we are blessed with abundant biodiversity. 4 Answers. All of these are benefits of biodiversity: Term. A. science (check!) c. higher income. C. The creation of the Euro should increase competition. The higher the blood lead levels the more severe the biological effects due to lead . You have not even scratched the surface of the biodiversity wi… Though there are many factors that would attribute to an increased lifetime and adopting a vegetarian diet is one factor you can follow. The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following EXCEPT A. preserving habitats and ecosystems. Pretend you're taking a look at the species biodiversity within a local pond. The biodiversity of microbes, fungi, and other smaller organisms is important in decomposing waste matter. Economic and Environmental Benefits of Biodiversity. In extirpation, a species is eliminated from part of its range but still exists elsewhere, that there should be more species on larger islands. Decrease food security c. Maintain ecosystem function d. Provide aesthetic benefits e. Provide economic benefits. d) habitat destruction. Environmental Science. It contains 11 neutrons. The evolution of wings in insects, birds, and bats even though these are not closely related organisms 66. All of the following are benefits of exercising except? All of the following are benefits of Risk Management EXCEPT Find answers now! higher air temperature than in surrounding rural regions. (Overview ) conservation biology ... the major threats to biodiversity that were involved in making the species endangered ... edge-adapted species benefit at the expense of other species that are not edge-adapted. I O Threat to biodiversity is an example of an international externality. Sorbji Sorbji D. Risk of injury Though it is possible, the risk of injury is not a benefit. One of the question asked in Hubspot certification Exam is, All Of The Following Are Benefits Of Email Support EXCEPT: You have to complete course of 1:42 Hrs of 24 videos, 7 Lessons, and 5 quizzes assessments and receive a minimum score of 80% on each assessment to receive credit. Another benefit is that this strategy helps ensure the ongoing processes of evolution and adaptation within their environments. Money from ecotourism goes back into the region and helps to preserve the diversity of plants and animals. The integration of several sciences such as ecology and genetics to sustain biological diversity at all levels is known as _____. Examples of plants used in modern medicine include quinine from the cinchona tree in South America, used to treat malaria, cortisone from Central American yams, which is a main ingredient in birth control pills, and novacaine, which is derived from the coca plant and used as an anesthetic in dentistry. Which of the following is a direct value of biodiversity? B. Biodiversity does all of the following EXCEPT: According to the theory of island biogeography, which island would have the LOWEST species richness? Genetically similar parents mate and produce inferior offspring. Which of the following statements is true? C. Control erosion . In fact, birds, bats, and butterflies play a vital role in spreading pollen and in dispersing seeds. The current high rates will cause a precipitous decline in the biodiversity of the planet in the next century or two. Remove carbon from the atmosphere. B. Acacia trees of Central and South America provide shelter for stinging ants, while the stinging ants sting other insects on the trees. She writes fiction for Aria Kalsan and sci-fi and essays for Writing Edge magazine. Exotic or invasive species leads to all of these problems except. Many modern medicines incorporate natural ingredients from plants that are found in jungles or forests, notably the Amazon rainforest. What percent of all medicines are developed from the earths natural resources? The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following EXCEPT A. preserving habitats and ecosystems. Worms are well known for conditioning soil by digging through and aerating it and providing nutrients from their castings or waste. Which of the following would NOT be considered as an example of a benefit from more biodiversity? Trivia Quiz - ProProfs Quiz ... . Bees are not the only organisms responsible for pollinating plants and crops. With the coyotes gone, deer mice, the coyotes' prey, flourished and overproduced. Shellfish such as mollusks take in nutrients from the water, thereby preventing a condition called eutrophication, which can cause a huge increase in organisms in the water that leads to oxygen depletion and mass die-offs. Regulation of climate B. Biogeochemical cycles C. Provision of fresh water D. The agricultural value of pollinators. When a population gets too small and surpasses a "minimal viable population", what is biggest concern for the recovery of the species? An ecosystem is in perfect balance, with a keystone species that basically holds the ecosystem in that balance. Which of the following statements is true? All of the following are threats to biodiversity EXCEPT? A small island far from the mainland : A "biodiversity hotspot" is: An area that contains a large number of endemic species All of the following are benefits of exercising except? Forests ecosystems provide all of the following functions except_____. Biodiversity increases an ecosystem’s ability to withstand changes*** Biodiversity makes . User: Which of the following is a value of biodiversity? D. Below 1%. 1. Question 23 All of the following statements about biodiversity are true, except: Select the correct answer below: O A nation can protect biodiversity within its own borders. All major religions include elements of nature and 231 species are formally used as national symbols in 142 countries. Stream restoration techniques include all of the following except: Definition. (v) The aesthetic pleasure of walking through thick woods. User: Sodium's atomic number is 11. s. Log in for more information. increased waste water from sewage drainage. Benefits of Vegetarian Diet Here are the 10 amazing benefits of being a vegetarian 1. Add your answer and earn points. As we develop more area for human use we fragment habitats into smaller pieces. Join now. an ecological hotspot is an area where. All major religions include elements of nature and 231 species are formally used as national symbols in 142 countries. C. Resource Acquisition Argument. Asked … describe two benefits of that greater biodiversity. Inhibit Bacterial Growth And Reproduction C. Catalyses Metabolic Reactions D. Increase Metabolic Rates E. Accelerates Tissue Repair19. b. more political power. Which of the following can reduce biodiversity within a natural environment? If we wait a while, we might be able to spot a garter snake, a bullfrog, or maybe a red-winged blackbird. Question: QULJNO Conservation Biology Supports All Of The Following Ethical Principles EXCEPT O Biodiversity Has Value In And Of Itself, Regardless Of Any Practical Human Benefits. Join now. Provisioning services such as food, clean water, timber, fiber and genetic resources 2. Test Your Biodiversity Knowledge! As a last resort, ex-situ conservation may be used on some or all of the population, when in situ conservation is too difficult, or impossible. C. Around 5%. C. protecting individual species D. introducing exotic species into new environments. About 30%. If any species is removed from the food webs of an ecosystem, the ecosystem can crash, and in the case of water quality, contaminants can remain and cause immense additional problems. Ecology: Definition, Types, Importance & Examples, Ingram Publishing/Ingram Publishing/Getty Images, The Importance of Biodiversity in the National Parks, The Importance of Biodiversity-Southeast Asia. For instance, in the American West, ranchers killed coyotes because they were harassing their livestock. Think you’re done? It's more of a harm since it is not helping you, but instead hurting you in some way. Which of the following causes of extinction is predicted to be a significant cause of extinction in the coming century? Travel companies promote tours into off-the-beaten-path locations, such as forests and jungles, where tourists can go on river cruises, hike, and observe and enjoy nature without disturbing the ecosystem. The correct option is INTRODUCTION OF EXOTIC SPECIES;Exotic species refers to an introduced specie of an animal which is alien to the ecosystem in which it foun… B. Derivatives markets help keep interest rates down. All of the following contribute to the decrease of biodiversity EXCEPT - ( NEED ASAP ) - 18443621 1. With a closer look, we can see invertebratesand worms under leaves, on grasses and in the pond water. Your Instructor Gave You A Paper With The Following Information: 1. b. What happens when a species experiences "inbreeding depression"? Students were also asked to identify and explain two human activities that lower biodiversity and to propose a practical solution to each activity. one of the greatest threats today to biodiversity is. Complete the following statements to describe the indirect benefits of biodiversity. B. Problem-Solving Argument. According to the concept of "latitudinal gradient," which of the following happens? BioScience. Biodiversity is not evenly distributed, rather it varies greatly across the globe as well as within regions. In wetlands, plants will take up contaminants in water and process and purify the water. (iii) Pollinators layer of bees, birds and bats. 31) All of the following are benefits of auctions except: A) more efficient price discovery. Should any of these plants become extinct, medicinal cures would suffer. Decrease food security. Ask your question. 5. B) humans are part of the food webs and energy cycles that a great variety of organisms share. Log in. 7. a) Stronger Bones b) Healthy Heart c) Better Sleep d) Risk of injury Ask for details ; Follow Report by P6iermisLizgiaChard 11/13/2016 Log in to add a comment Answer. The creation of the Euro would allow Western European countries to more closely integrate their economies. If any species, but especially the keystone species, is removed, the balance will shift, and the ecosystem will suffer. Recource Chapter 11 BA 370 Additionally, students were asked to describe one naturally occurring factor that lowers biodivers ity. Efforts to maintain natural biodiversity are important because: Genetic differences within a species will help provide food when the environment changes. Relevance. Biodiversity Is Desirable For The Biosphere And Humans. Yet many of the benefits of biodiversity cannot be priced. The narrowly utilitarian arguments for biodiversity conservation include which of the following from the given list? All the economically important organisms should be identified and conserved. Which of the following statements is true? Question. Benefits of volcano monitoring far outweigh costs - the case of Mount Pinatubo. B. Species are frequently integral to religious, cultural and national identities. It Provides The Raw Material For New Foods And Medicines. Cultural services such as recreational, aesthetic and spiritual benefits 4. altered habitats. D. better quality of sleep. Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. D. Loss of biodiversity may result in less productive and resilient communities. 1. C. higher self-esteem. D. Similarity in … (Points : 2) Species diversity O Individual diversity OEcosystem diversity O Chemical diversity O Genetic diversity 4a. Biodiversity does all of the following EXCEPT: a. ...” in Chemistry if you're in doubt about the correctness of the answers or there's no answer, then try to use the smart search and find answers to the similar questions. 5. (A) convergent evolution (B) parallel evolution (C) gradualism (D) evolutionary relay (E) punctuated equilibrium 65. Species richness increases toward the equator. Supporting services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling Biodiversity includes not only the large plants and animals we see, but also microscopic bacteria, fungi, algae, and a host of tiny insects and invertebrates. All of the following are true of lead as an environmental hazard except? Most drugs are discovered from study of little known species. All of the following are mental or physical benefits of exercise except A. improved mood. 47. All of the options enlisted here (area, climate, diversity of niches) affect an area's biodiversity except number of endangered species. "Biodiversity influences ecosystem services, that is, the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans, that contribute to making human life both possible and worth living," the authors write. Question: Question 23 Select All Of The Following That Are Not A Major Benefit Of Biodiversity? B) can send documents to a printer in another area of the building. A. less biodiversity B. less arable land C. more CO2 emissions D. more erosion These smaller organisms are the ones responsible for creating soil and maintaining the quality of soil. Having a common currency allow consumers to buy across borders. Transactions costs are usually smaller in derivatives markets, than for similar trades in the underlying asset. except. E) All of the above. B. increased stress. C) decreased price transparency. All of the following are benefits of derivatives markets EXCEPT: A. Gemma Argent writes articles and essays for Associated Content, HART, Horizon Magazine, and Canada. Unique ecosystems should be preserved first. What does this tell you about an atom of sodium? C. Derivatives allow the shifting of risk to those who can most efficiently bear it. Provide ecosystem services b. a. In wetlands, plants will take up contaminants in water and process and purify the water. erosion Biodiversity also contributes to the breakdown of organic matter through methane by various fungi and bacteria, which returns nutrients back to the Earth to be used … Ask your question. B. Science. habitat fragmentation. D) saves desk space attached printers would occupy. Biodiversity does all of the following except: Decrease food security : According to the theory of island biogeography, which island would have the lowest species richness? C) less biodiversity makes humans vulnerable to extinction. 1) Conserving all of the following except _____ are important for Earth. d. All of the above are included in this concept. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. All of the following are outcomes of urbanization loss of plant biodiversity. All of the following are the benefits of diversity in a firm's workforce except: A. Creativity Argument. im not sure. All Of The Following Are Benefits Of Fever, EXCEPT: A. Mobilizes Defenses By Promoting Chemotaxis B. A. a major factor that negatively affects biodiversity is. A) water B)energy C) sunlight D)land 2) Human well-being is tied to biodiversity because A )humans love to look at beautiful things. Butterflies and hummingbirds, for instance, feed on nectar and can transport pollen from flower to flower. All of the following are benefits of being a tall man EXCEPT: a. more success in love. The following is a list of some of the benefits, or services, of biodiversity: 1. Healthy ecosystems C. Pollution D. Climate change Weegy: Healthy ecosystems is a value of biodiversity. In the western U.S., ranchers aggressively killed wolves because they posed a threat to their cattle. C. protecting individual species D. introducing exotic species into new environments. Living in the lowland tropics we are blessed with abundant biodiversity. The resources should be utilized efficiently. Which of the following statements is FALSE? Biodiversity; its benefits to people and the environment ‘Biodiversity’, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms that exist, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they live in. All of the following are threats to biodiversity except. D. Lower the diversity of plants and animals. Q. c) exotic species. The Complex Interactions Of Ecosystems Support Biodiversity And Are Desirable. Log in. a)gene pool diversity. HubSpot Service Hub Software Certification will make you expert in HubSpot Service Hub Software, though … What category of species will decline first as we fragment the landscape? Favorite Answer. 1 decade ago. All of the following are potential effects of clearing land except _____. That in no way affects an area's biodiversity… Biodiversity, though, goes beyond simply a literal list of species; it also encompasses the interactions between the species, how they survive, what they do, and the living conditions in which they exist. Deer mice are vectors for the hantaviruses. D) increased market efficiency. b) pollition. Not all choices will be used. It Is Aesthetically Pleasing. C) allows use of faster printers and printers with more options. B. making sure local people benefit from conservation efforts. Maintaining biodiversity is essential for organic waste disposal, soil formation, biological nitrogen fixation, crop and livestock genetics, biological pest control, plant pollination, and pharmaceuticals. Using small amounts of dynamite to unclog waterways: Term. The benefits of biodiversity include keeping water quality pure. Where tourism is an important industry, local peoples benefits from natural biodiversity. C. a. Regulating services such as climate, floods, disease, water quality and pollination 3. It Helps To Keep Ecosystems More Stable, D It Helps Prevent Flooding E. Answer Save. (ii) Ecosystem services like photosynthesis. Anonymous. ; Biodiversity forms the foundation of the vast array of ecosystem services that critically contribute to human well-being. Biodiversity include all of the following EXCEPT: Oa) the different types of ecosystems on Earth Ob) species richness O c) variation in genes within a species d) the number of extinct species Oxygen production . Which of the following best describes "biodiversity… It is a delicate balance, in which certain insects or microbes perform a vital function in removing waste from the environment, making it cleaner and less ripe for the spread of disease. At first glance, we can identify different plants, including cattails and water lilies. Which of the following is NOT a level of biodiversity? (Check All That Apply) A. Although it is easy to give a definition to the word "biodiversity," it is not quite so easy to explain exactly why we should be interested in and concerned about the biodiversity of an ecosystem. B) lower transaction costs. 5.3 Importance of Biodiversity The Biodiversity Crisis. food chain disruption in a natural habitat. Organic material in nature, such as leaves, logs and twigs, and dead animals and insects, is all degraded and decomposed by the biodiversity of organisms in the ecosystem. Species are frequently integral to religious, cultural and national identities. Biodiversity increases an ecosystem’s ability to withstand changes*** Biodiversity makes . 1 Questions & Answers Place. Awareness of biodiversity has recently led to a boom in ecotourism. The climactic June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, was the largest volcanic eruption in this century to affect a heavily populated area. d. better health. She has bachelor's degrees from the University of Nevada, Reno, in environmental resources and archaeology and has done graduate coursework from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in water resources and writing. 9. Find an answer to your question “All of the following are benefits of recycling except? Biodiversity; its benefits to people and the environment ‘Biodiversity’, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms that exist, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they live in. B. C. Loss of biodiversity results in the loss of novel compounds with potential medical applications. Exactly 10%. No nation acting alone can protect biodiversity around the world. (iv) Firewood, fibre and construction material. B. making sure local people benefit from conservation efforts. Economic impact studies identify a variety of economic benefits generated by biodiversity. E. Habitat degradation is one of the most important threats to biodiversity. Biodiversity provides additional resources that raise the carrying capacity of an ecosystem. All of the following are expected benefits of the creation of the Euro, except which? A direct value of biodiversity - The agricultural value of pollinators. 8. There are, though, specific benefits to biodiversity that affect every one of us on this planet. 1. answer choices ... SURVEY . Which level is NOT included in the concept of biodiversity? Which of the following is the major cause of extinction? c. We have identified almost all species on Earth. The term "biodiversity" literally indicates the diverse biological species within an ecosystem. decreased soil pollution. All of the following are benefits of a networked printer EXCEPT: asked Nov 10, 2016 in Health Professions by Photographer. Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided by biodiversity? What is the primary cause of the modern loss of biodiversity? whitakercamora123 whitakercamora123 6 minutes ago Biology High School +5 pts. A. (i) Industrial products like dyes, lubricants. Biodiversity plays an important role in the way ecosystems function and in the services they provide. 1.logging operations used to use a technique called clear-cutting in which all of the trees in area are cut down what type of water pollution will this most likely lead to A.toxic B.sediment C.nutrient D.bacterial Answer: B 2.when . Biodiversity is an integral part of culture and identity. Bacteria and fungi degrade organic material, which then further breaks down in the soil, where plants can use the nutrients. A. Invasive species B. Start studying Ch.10 Biodiversity. A. Non-native kudzu out-compete native plants in the eastern United States. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate AACSB: Application of knowledge … Shellfish such as mollusks take in nutrients from the water, thereby preventing a condition called eutrophication, which can cause a huge increase in organisms in the water that leads to oxygen depletion and mass die-offs. The benefits of biodiversity include keeping water quality pure. The pharmaceutical industry has an interest in preventing species extinction because: Definition. Biologists estimate that species extinctions are currently 500–1000 times the normal, or background, rate seen previously in Earth’s history. All of the following are true of lead as an environmental hazard except? Questions 65-70 refer to the following evolutionary terms. Following are the important strategies for biodiversity conservation: All the varieties of food, timber plants, livestock, microbes and agricultural animals should be conserved. There is a huge number of plant species used in modern medicine, somewhere around 50,000 to 70,000. 30 seconds . Ос. A) saves the cost of attaching a printer to every computer. Any time when more than 50% of all species are lost. A. b. A. Healthy ecosystems c. Pollution D. climate change Weegy: healthy ecosystems is a value of biodiversity has recently to! This strategy helps ensure the ongoing processes of evolution and adaptation within their environments from! That raise the carrying capacity of an ecosystem service provided by biodiversity the above are included in the services provide. Metabolic rates e. Accelerates Tissue Repair19 does this tell you about an atom sodium... * * * * * * * biodiversity makes in Earth ’ s to! 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