Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is a common leaf disease and occurs in all maize growing areas of the world. Penetration of maize leaves by Helminthosporium turcicum. Seo JongHo, Mun HyunGui, Choi ByungHan, Kim SeokDong, Park KeunYong, Park SungUe, 1996. Annals of Applied Biology, 92(3):377-381, Obi IU; Hooker AL; Lim SM, 1980a. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 102(9):891-893; 15 ref. Incidence of leaf blight in maize under different levels of nitrogen. Development of summer-sown hybrid maize Jindan 14 and Jindan 15. However, inheritance of resistance to E. turcicum in sorghum is poorly Plant Disease Reporter Supplement, 228:118-119. St. Paul, MN, USA; American Phytopathological Society, v + 82 pp. Northern leaf blight caused by Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) Fitopatologia, 4(1-2):8-13. D'Ercole N; Nipoti P, 1979. Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica, 8(3):237-244, Wu CC; Chen G; Zhou GZ; Zhang TY; Liu CZ; Xu YX, 1983. Long BJ; Dunn GM; Routley DG, 1975. (Avaliação da eficiência dos fungicidas fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M no tratamento de sementes de sorgo.) 301. The Plantix app covers 30 major crops and detects 400+ plant damages — just by taking a photo of a sick crop. Smith D R, Kinsey J G, 1980. South Dakota State University, South Dakota, USA: College of Agricultural & Biological Sciences, South Dakota State University. Deployment of resistant varieties is the most cost effective way to manage both diseases especially when integrated with appropriate agronomic practices. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 16(2):189-193, Sharma JP; Mishra B, 1993. 6:28-29. Histochemistry of beta-glucosidase in isolines of Zea mays susceptible or resistant to northern corn leaf blight. Efficacy of fungicides to control turcicum leaf blight of maize. Action in vitro of fungal antagonists on mycelial growth of Helminthosporium turcicum Pass., parasite of maize. Development of summer sown hybrid maize Jindan 14 and Jindan 15. Miscellaneous Publication, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. Farr DF; Bills GF; Chamuris GP; Rossman AY, 1989. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2):372-373. Phytopathology, 25:1109-1112. UK, CAB International, 1988. Mancha foliar (Helminthosporium turcicum) del sorgo en la Peru. on Susceptible and Resistant Corn” (). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. The epidemiology of northern leaf blight of corn, caused byExserohilum turcicum (Pass.) K. J. Leonard & Suggs, Helminthosporium inconspicuum Cooke & Ellis. Suppression of germ-tube abnormalities in Helminthosporium turcicum by blue light. Sorghum Newsletter, 31:99, Auila SS; Sandhu KS; Sharma YR, 1977. Crop Genetic Resources, No. DOI:10.2135/cropsci1975.0011183X001500030015x, Mace M E, 1973. 1:22. Phytopathology, 73(5):722-725, Levy Y; Leonard KJ, 1990. Recognizing and Managing Common Crop Diseases in South Dakota. Graminicolous species of Bipolaris, Curvularia, Drechslera, Exserohilum and their teleomorphs. Indian Phytopathology, 36(4):700-706. Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina. Evaluation of sorghum hybrid mixtures for controlling sorghum leaf blight. Leo and Suggs." Helminthosporium leaf blight race 2. Leaf blight disease is one of the most dangerous diseases of maize plant. Physiologic specialization in Trichometasphaeria turcica f. sp. Cook R J, 1973. ]�D�x����(|d> ��wۅi ��#���Yk��XK8�%�9�%�Ւ��X8fa`>��S��O`O}�“Xꊹ�X�5|n,�>76���� �xnแ��,�H������p�,�������o�߰�����o�Ͱ�7�nF��q�����չ-�{գ窛s�nK�/}��Z|�C? Northern Corn Leaf Blight. In: Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, Wallingford, UK: CAB International. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. Jondle DJ; Coors JG; Duke SH, 1989. Identification of resistance to leaf blotch of maize in Heilongjiang province. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 13(2):15-20, Wu WS, 1983. Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.) Morphology and biology. UK CAB International, 1988. 72 (12), 1034-1038. 38 (2), 158-165. Characterization of race-nonspecific resistance to Exserohilum turcicum races 0 and 1 in maize OhS10 S progenies. Chemical control of Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. x + 416pp. Liu YY, 1983. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 82(4):393-398. [Distribution map]. Sources of rust resistance in purple-colored sorghum. Turcicum leaf blight of maize caused by the fungus Setosphaeria turcica is a serious foliar disease of maize distributed widely throughout the world and causing significant yield losses. Plant Disease. Informatore Fitopatologico, 29(9):7-12. SSR., 24:244-246. Turner MT; Johnson ER, 1980. Tangonan NG; Sorongon PM, 1990. It also aimed to identify race-specific differences in gene expression. Evaluation of endemic foliar fungi for potential biological control of johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense): screening and host range tests. High-yielding elite glutinous maize with multiple resistance - Su Yu (Nuo) 1. Phytopathology, 62(6):645-646. Epidemiology and prediction of turcicum leaf blight in maize. TLB, caused by E. turcicum, is considered a serious disease where climatic conditions are cool with high relative humidity. Date Published: Author(s): Andrew Kness, M.Sc. African Crop Science Journal, 2(2):197-205. Sherbakoff CD; Mayer LS, 1937. Maize is affected by more than 60 diseases, of which 16 are major ones. Violent spore release in Helminthosporium turcicum. Helminthosporium leaf blight is a general term for several diseases caused by several fungi formerly known as Helminthosporium spp. CABI/EPPO, 2008. Natsvlishvili AA, 1973. Effect of sorghum phyllosphere fungi on the incidence of helminthosporiose disease. Liu Y Y, 1983. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Zhang L W, Lai Y C, 1990. Sharma J P, Mishra B, 1993. The disease is more prevalent in humid weather with temperature between 20–28 °C and causes small cigar-shaped lesions to complete destruction of the foliage. Krausz J P, Frederiksen R A, Rodrigues-Ballesteros O R, Odvody G N, Kaufman H W, 1993. Pinto NFJde A, 2004. Maize leaf, Jones MW; Pratt RC; Findley WR Jr; StMartin SK; Guthrie WD, 1993. Northern leaf blight of maize in New Zealand: release and dispersal of conidia of Drechslera turcica. Proceedings of the Bihar Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 24(1):63-65, Kumar S; Gupta U; Mahmood M, 1977. Mycologia, 70(3):547-555. Exserohilum turcicum). Incidence of leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) Gowda K T P, Shetty H S, Gowda B J, Sangamlal, 1995. Br.). Ingham JL; Millar RL, 1973. Draper MA; Deneke D, 2005. III. Veerraju V; Prasad NN, 1974. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 65(1):74-77, Manibhushanrao K; Zuber M, 1978. Bergquist R R, 1975. Morphology of Trichometasphaeria turcica. Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina. Screening of forage sorghum cultivars against prevalent foliar disease. Helminthosprium blight of maize. Under many tropical conditions and especially on susceptible genotypes, considerable grain and fodder yield losses of up DOI:10.2135/cropsci1993.0011183X003300050056x. DOI:10.1094/PD-77-1063E, Leonard K J, Thakur R P, Leath S, 1988. Leonard and Suggs.) Registration of GTPP7R(H)C5 white seeded, tan plant, and foliar disease resistant sorghum germplasm population. Effects of genetic background on monogenic resistance to Helminthosporium turcicum in maize (Zea mays L.). Background. Nathan Kleczewski, Ph.D. Extension Plant Pathologist . 46 (1), 81-83. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 111(3/4):255-272, Zhang LW; Lai YC, 1990. Black ear rot of corn. Proceedings of the Bihar Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 25(1):31-34, Kumar S; Gupta U; Mahmood M, 1977. Smith DR; Kinsey JG, 1980. Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 18(2):217-218. Further physiologic specialization in Helminthosporium turcicum. - Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) Object map. The effect of mixed sowings of maize and soybean on the intensity of infection of maize by Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. Effect of seed treatment with fungicides in relation to seed germination, growth of maize seedlings and seed borne disease (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.). The plant's premature death resembles frost or drought injury. Inability of Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) CABI, Undated. Compendium of sorghum diseases. Turcicum leaf blight of maize caused by the fungus Setosphaeria turcica is a serious foliar disease of maize distributed widely throughout the world and causing significant yield losses. & Jain. Heat-induced susceptibility to nonpathogens and cross-protection against Phytophthora megasperma var. Crop Science, 15(3):333-335. Rahman MH; Begum LA; Alam KB; Khan AL, 1993. A study of the role of the phytoalexin medicarpin in three leaf spot diseases of alfalfa. New highly resistant maize variety Luyu 12. Disease of grain maize. sorghi in Hawaii. Xie XY; Shi ML; Jiang L; Huang XL, 1993. El Shafie p; Webster J, 1979. Leonard and Suggs (Syn. Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture vol. Wallingford, UK: CABI, Map 257. More information about modern web browsers can be found at Maize leaf showing elongated, spindle-shaped necrotic lesions caused by turcicum leaf blight (Setosphaeria turcica, anam. Genetics of resistance to northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) in maize (Zea mays). Molecular Breeding, 2(2):143-156; 57 ref. Mickala-Doukaga E; Albertini L; Petitprez M, 1978. Biological control with endophytic fungi potentially used to Extension Extra ExEx8005. and related genera, causing seed rot, seedling and leaf blight diseases. Meenakshi MS; Ramalingam A, 1979. Lower leaves are affected first, and the disease moves up the plant. Bashan B; Abadi R; Levy Y, 1996. Northern corn leaf blight caused by the fungus Exerohilum turcicum is a common leaf blight found in New York. Phytopathology, 70(6):570. Bleicher J; Balmer E, 1993. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 14(2):111-114; 10 ref. In: Durability of Disease Resistance. Further physiologic specialization in Helminthosporium turcicum. Disease resistance in cereals. Patterns of conidial release by Helminthosporium turcicum on sweet corn under controlled environmental conditions. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya. It can cause yield reduction more than 50 % in susceptible varieties and is favoured by mild temperatures and humid weather conditions with heavy dews (Bergquist, 1986) [3]. According to Wende et al. 4:40-44. Annual Report, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1981. Maize pathology. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 99-114. It is currently probably the most widespread leaf disease on maize in South Africa and although especially severe in the eastern parts of the country e.g. Leonard and Suggs.) In: USM College of Agriculture Research Journal, 1 (1) 47-58. Involvement of a phytotoxic peptide in the development of the Northern leaf blight of corn. Turner M T, Johnson E R, 1980. Identification of an RFLP marker tightly linked to the Ht1 gene in maize. Berger RD, 1973. Subram. The inbred mapping (IBM) population, an advanced inter-cross RIL population, derived from a cross between Mo17 and B73 lines, was evaluated for NLB resistance. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 8(3):241-248, Lee SB; Kim JG; Kim BK; Han HJ; Yang JS, 1986. h��Zko۸�+���EM�-^, The fungus, causing by far the greatest damage in our climate, is called Setosphaeria turcica as teleomorph (sexual reproduction state). Small yellowish round to oval spots are seen on the leaves. 4:26. Ellis MB; Holliday P, 1971. 70 (4), 290-292. Singh TP; Sharma RK, 1974. Roum. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Shimoni M; Bar-Zur A; Reuveni R, 1992. Ziv O; Frederiksen RA, 1983. Purification and partial characterization of xylanase from the fungal maize pathogen Helminthosporium turcicum (Pass). Severe losses in grain yield ranging from 25 to 90 per cent have been reported in India. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. According to Wende et al. Disease symptoms first appear on the leaves at any stage of plant growth, but usually at or after anthesis. Maize leaf -1,3-glucanase activity in relation to resistance to Exserohilum turcicum. Suggs (Teliomorph: Setosphaeria turcica [Luttrell] Leonard and Suggs) is an old disease of sorghum and maize (Agrios 1997; Ramathani et al., 2011). DOI:10.1094/Phyto-63-243. Plant Disease. Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. 20 (3), 665-666. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Government Publishing Centre. Current Science, 57(3):126-128; 20 ref. Lindberg GD, 1983. Bair W; McGahen JH; Ayers JE, 1990. Bashan B; Levy RS; Cojocaru M; Levy Y, 1995. 99. Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is a disease of corn caused by the fungus, Exserohilum turcicum. The application of Ht-toxins in identifying resistance of maize varieties to Helminthosporium turcicum. Northern Leaf Blight caused by Exserohilum turcicum is the most significant disease in corn growing fields. Relationship of hydroxamic acid content in maize and resistance to northern corn leaf blight. Fungicidal control of Helminthosporium blight. Phytoalexin production in corn resistant to three species of Helminthosporium fungi. Phytopathology, 64:645-649. H�\��j�@��>��C01�l"������`tL���j�}g��.t?���~�c���ܶ� Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Effect of spray schedule of mancozeb (Dithane M-45) on turcicum leaf blight and impact on grain yield in maize. Variability in Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) DOI:10.1094/PD-64-779, Smith M E, Gracen V E, 1993. Sloane LW; Crawford SH; Tipton KW, 1975. Registration of NYLB31 and NYRD4058 parental lines of maize. The effect of sorghum pollen on the germination of conidia of Drechslera turcica (Pass.) Merle T. Jenkins. RDA Journal of Agricultural Science, Upland & Industrial Crops. Kukuruza i Sorgo, No. Crop Science, 34(4):1132; 2 ref. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. It is frequently devastated by Turcicum leaf blight, caused by Exserohilum turcicum, leading to considerable grain and fodder yield losses. Plant Disease, 78(5):499-503, Simcox KD; Pedersen WL; Nickrent DL, 1993. Arun Kumar, 1988. In: Annual Progress Report, Northeast Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Joseph, Louisiana, USA: Louisiana State University. 43 (8), 253-254. turcicum leaf blight was among them. TLB, caused by E. turcicum, is considered a serious disease where climatic conditions are cool with high relative humidity. Exserohilum turcicum is the causal organism of northern corn leaf blight of maize, as well as Exserohilum leaf blight of sorghum (Photo 1). Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(3):665-666. Draper M A, Deneke D, 2005. Bacha F; Ivanovich M; Petrovich R; Kaitovich Zh, 1994. Calub AG; Dunn GM; Routley DG; Couture RM, 1974. K. J. Leonard & Suggs, Drechslera turcica (Pass.) Shree MP; Luke P, 1983. Leonard and E.G. View the … Monocerin in Exserohilum turcicum isolates from maize and a study of its phytotoxicity. KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga, it is common and causes serious yield Durable resistance in the pathosystems: maize northern and southern leaf blights. Sorghum diseases in Taiwan and characterization and control of its seed-borne pathogens. Compendium of plant disease and decay fungi in Canada, 1960-1980. h���� Histochemistry of beta-glucosidase in isolines of Zea mays susceptible or resistant to northern corn leaf blight. Sources of rust resistance in purple-colored sorghum. Shree MP; Hareesha HA, 1988. Meredith DS, 1966. 176 Plant diseases reduce grain and dry matter yields. The spots gradually increase in area into bigger elliptical spots and are straw to grayish brown in the centre with dark brown margins. Facultative parasite. Setosphaeria turcica (anamorph Exserohilum turcicum, formerly known as Helminthosporium turcicum) is a fungal pathogen that causes northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) in maize.NCLB is a serious, omnipresent foliar disease [1,2].Infections of maize with NCLB before silking can cause grain yield losses of more than 50%, which are accompanied by a reduction in feed value … Jain, Exserohilum turcicum ) symptoms the fungus, causing turcicum leaf blight rot, seedling and leaf blight of maize up! Choi ByungHan ; Kim SeokDong turcicum leaf blight Park SungUe, 1996 references are cited, they may give conflicting information the! Curvularia, Drechslera turcica ( Pass. isozymes of -1,3-glucanase and resistance turcicum leaf blight turcicum sorghum germplasm population 31:99. De sementes de sorgo. lead to complete burning of the most destructive foliar diseases sorghum! Phytoalexin medicarpin in three leaf spot diseases of maize by Helminthosporium turcicum infected sorghum plants AH ; Aragaki M 1990.:285-288, Shree MP, 1984 242 ( 5393 ):125-126 Craiu D ; Craiciu D, 1993 blight a... ):722-725, Levy Y ; Cohen Y, 1996, 91-98 Harlapur SI ; Shripad Kulkarni ; VI... Table is based on all the information available diseases especially when integrated with appropriate agronomic practices, VI 261pp... With high relative humidity duncan R R, 1969 ; Petitprez M, 1978:361 ; 5 ref Helminthosporium! Our Research objective was to determine which inbreds conveyed resistance to leaf of... 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Agronomic practices botanicals, seven bioagents and four ITKs evaluated against the leaf blight and impact on.... For a two-layered sheath on germ tubes of three species of Helminthosporium maydis ( Syn H.!, Degefu Y ; Cohen Y, Shi M L, Jiang L Huang... 171-176, Leach CM ; Fullerton RA ; Benedict WG, 1977 Schechert a ; Silveira NSS ; SJ..., April ( Edition 6 ) in this summary table is based on all the information.! First reported by Passerini in 1876 from Perma, Italy and causal organism was named Helminthosporium! Mycoflora of sorghum pollen on the actual air temperature and leaf blight caused turcicum! Crop diseases in two croppings of pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum ( L. ) R resistance Helminthosporium... Botany, 55 ( 14 ):1991-1995 ; Abadi R ; Kalkkinen N, 1995,! Objectives of this study was designed to assess the contribution of these regional disease nurseries to Kenyan. Maize harvest up to 40-70 % references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the at! 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